Sound Clips: pentatonics and power chords
Ok- with fear and trepidation I post these clips. Hopefully they will highlight some of the cool sonic possibilities of this cool amp, and not distract you with my sub-par playing.
Here is my set-up for the sound clips (very atypical):
GUITAR: a 2001 Route 101 Solimar Custom; strat style with 2 Seymour Duncan hotrail pu's at the neck and bridge w/ a push-push coil-split on the tone pots to go from single to humbucker. SPEAKER CAB: funky Rickenbacker Road bass cab combo with amp torn out (see pic) and no-name 15" 8 ohm speaker I scrounged at my favorite music store here in Seattle The Tradingmusican.
RECORDING GEAR: mic- Samson Q1 condenser>Hosa mixer>Tascam US122 interface>iBook G4>Garageband>itunes>128kps mp3.
Clip 1- THE HUM: this is what my amp sounded like before I put in the 100 ohm filament hum reduction resistors. Painful, I know...
Clip 2- BLUES IN G: 2 track examp. of me playing a blues progession on rhythm with my guitar on neck pu and lead part on the bridge pu. Amp has one Electro Harmonix 6V6GT power tube in place and a GE 12AT7 in the preamp socket with the volume and tone set at 12:00. Boost switch set to 25uF cap.
Clip 3- POWER CHORD NOODLING: This is me noolding around with an RCA NOS 6K6GT power tube I got from Antique Electronic Supply (see pic). Same settings on amp, and various combinations of pu's on the guitar. I really like this little tube.
I think toward the end of the noodling clip, I moved the mic further away from the speaker cab and cranked it up to max. This thing puts out the volume. I really like how I can go from clean to dirty by adusting my volume on the guitar. With a 12AX7, you can get more crunch. I mainly prefer a blues/classic rock overdrive. I like finding speakers cheap and putting them into used amp combos, hence the 15" speaker. I think it breaks up great.
Hi Ken,
The clips sound great. I like the clean tones, which are very sparkly and clear - especially for a 15 inch no-name speaker. I also like the growl of the bass. Lots of richness, but still well-defined.
Did you pay a lot of attention to the particular tubes you bought - brand, rating, etc? And to biasing?
Also, did you overdub the blues track or are there two players?
PS. It's cool the way showed the hum and then made it disappear.
Hi Al-
Thanks for suffering through my playing. About choosing tubes: I honestly picked the least expensive ones. My only criteria was to have each particular type of octal power tube I could use with this cathode-bias design- meaning, no need to re-bias for the following tubes:6V6,6L6,EL34,KT66,6550A,6K6GT, and an EL84 I use with a THD Yellow Jacket adapter. I have at least one of each of these tubes. I did over tube the blues track using Garagband.
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