Today, with the help of my 2 brothers-in-law, we drilled the holes in the chassis for switches, pots, input jacks, ac plug, and tubes. As you can see from the pictures, my bro-in-law Jeff has all the tools we needed to do this right.
We started with a picture of Dave Hunter's prototype I printed off of the internet here: http://www.backbeatuk.com/ampkit/ampkit.htm
and layed it across the chassis, matching up swiches and pots according to the picture. We also looked at the schematic and decided to put the fuse holder on the back side next to the ac power cord jack. I'm also only using one speaker out jack vs. the 2 called out by Hunter.

For the smaller holes, we used a regular drill bit. For the larger holes a stepped drill bit on a drill press.

The trickiest hole was the ac power cord jack, since it is shaped like a rectangle. We drilled a big hole and then dremeled the rest to size.

Before drilling the holes for the tubes, we put the switches and pots and jacks in our new holes, placed the circuit board in the chassis, then lined up the ceramic tube sockets- marked with a sharpie and started drilling. We made

More pix of the front, back and inside.

Where did you hire your hand model for your pictures? I'm in need of one for a photo shoot I'm doing. Thanks for sharing your journey with us!!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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