SHE LIVES!!After a long day of soldering, The Two-Stroke has come to life! I have run it with 2x6V6 and 1x6L6...how does it sound? Noisy- I think I have some ground loop issues and I forgot to connect the output jack to the 68k/1.5k connection. But overall, I am pleased with my initial efforts and like what I hear. I will be tweaking tomorrow an

d hopefully put up some initial sound clips soon. Enjoy the photos. I will have more commentary on my grounding issues and

power cord hook-up next entry. As to the picture of me fiddling with the amp on it's side-

I DON'T RECCOMEND YOU DO THIS- Hunter says that after the amp is built, don't mess with it unless you really know what you are doing- you can kill your self!! Even if it's unplugged.

Those cute little caps can hold high voltage charges for days EVEN WHEN THE POWER IS OFF TO THE AMP AND UNPLUGGED FROM THE WALL!
Great job! It looks great! The great sound will be your reward for all your hard efforts! Jimbo
I was an electronic tech for 25+ years and am not sure if someone doesn't know how to drain the charge from a filter cap, they should be building AC powered tube circits.
The level of basic theory and bench practice out there is not really very encouraging.
I think people need to have their theory pretty well down and then build battery solid state projects before fooling with tubes or anything plugged into the mains.
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